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Totally Nutz® Franchise offers a mobile, event franchise model which allows owners to take their business with them wherever they choose to go. There are no territories! Owners choose where they would like to work and contract with the event planner or venue (location of an event) to be a part of their team.
People often ask us how they will grow their business once they have decided to purchase a franchise. The first thing we suggest to owners is to tell all their family and friends about their new venture. These are the people who will offer the most support as they want to see you excel. They will help to spread the word about you and your product.
Secondly, we suggest you get to know people in your local community who can help you to grow your business. These include your local chamber of commerce, convention centers, city/state tourism offices, and local area businesses.
In the extensive, on-site training that Totally Nutz® Corporate offers to new owners, we teach our owners how to promote their business in their local area at zero cost. We continue this training once owners leave training. Meet our support team by clicking here: Totally Nutz team.
Once owners leave training, they are ready to operate their own business. They have all the tools and equipment they need to get started. Many owners will start out by working local events in their community such as fairs, festivals, and at sporting events.
As owners become more experienced and savvier, they may decide to pursue more semi-permanent locations in convention centers, amusement parks, shopping areas, and sports complexes such as stadiums, ballparks, and fields.
Another way of growing your business with Totally Nutz® is just by working events. Our business model is all about fun. We create an atmosphere that draws customers in, and our owners love to engage by telling them about our product, how we fresh roast and glaze our nuts, and we offer them a free sample to taste how delicious they are.
Customers are your biggest fans. They will tell their family and friends how wonderful your product is and how much fun they had interacting with you at your event. We have customers tell us they plan to buy our nuts at our events before they have even left the house. Now that is loyalty!
Get to know other vendors when you work events. They can tell you what events they like to work and can even provide some inside information as to who to speak with to get into these events, what the income potential is and what types of attendance numbers to expect.
Totally Nutz® has been in business since 1990. If you are looking for a proven business model that offers flexibility, profitability, and the potential for growth to any size you see fit, give us a call. Our Franchise Development Manager will walk you through all the details you need to know to get started. Click here to begin your journey: Totally Nutz Franchise.